2016 marks the 40th anniversary of the seminal music documentary, "Heartworn Highways," a film that captured the nascent roots of the Outlaw Country movement in the mid-70s. Today, HEARTWORN HIGHWAYS REVISITED explores and celebrates the authenticity and spirit of that legendary film via a community of contemporary musicians creating music in Nashville, Tennessee. In HEARTWORN HIGHWAYS REVISITED, the filmmakers reunite with Heartworn originals: Guy Clark, Steve Young, and David Allan Coe while focusing on the next generation of “outlaws”: John McCauley, Jonny Fritz, Josh Hedley, Justin Townes Earle, Shovels & Rope, Langhorne Slim, Robert Ellis, Andrew Combs, Shelly Colvin, Phil Hummer and others who honor the tradition of their predecessors while forging a highway all their own.